I'm a love guru, poet, and aspiring author; trying to set the word alight, one heart at time ❤
Thursday, 15 June 2017
Wednesday, 14 June 2017
Aftermath of Sagittarius moon of TFs ~ video reading results
Well it's nearly a week after the Sagittarius full moon. So how has it affected the Twin Flames and the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine energies?? ...
This represents the aftermath of the Sagittarius full moon. The RAVEN is the protector, the one who represents initiation into the mysteries, but also death and rebirth. So we are being warned that the changes ahead will affect a death of aspects of the self (mainly ego) and the rebirth of the correct feminine or masculine energies to replace it. We are being advised that things may seem like they are ending in some ways, but not to panic as they are really only beginning a new cycle. Change is the ever present stock of the Universe ~ get used to it. lol.
So how is this going to affect the Twin flames? I'll first look at the cards for the Divine Masculines (The Star and the Chariot) then I'll move on to the Divine Feminines (Green Tara and the Great Bear)...
This represents the aftermath of the Sagittarius full moon. The RAVEN is the protector, the one who represents initiation into the mysteries, but also death and rebirth. So we are being warned that the changes ahead will affect a death of aspects of the self (mainly ego) and the rebirth of the correct feminine or masculine energies to replace it. We are being advised that things may seem like they are ending in some ways, but not to panic as they are really only beginning a new cycle. Change is the ever present stock of the Universe ~ get used to it. lol.
So how is this going to affect the Twin flames? I'll first look at the cards for the Divine Masculines (The Star and the Chariot) then I'll move on to the Divine Feminines (Green Tara and the Great Bear)...
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Reading 14-6-17 |
The STAR offers you DMs a little light at the end of the tunnel. Unfortunately, it's you yourself! You're your own light... which basically means you might feel you're in total darkness, but you have your own light, your own strength to get you through. We know this can be a very difficult task, but you can manage it.
Usually, the STAR indicates that all your wishes are coming true ~ however, what you want and what the universe wants to give you are two totally different things. The gift you're been offered is that of balance ~ an understanding of your growing divine famine energies ~ which isn't as disturbing as you think it is. Accept the gift and start moving into your DF balance. If you resist right now you will find it even harder, because the Universe will persist until you do accept; so just accept your fate guys!
On to the underlying influence on you DMs. Well, the CHARIOT offers movement ~ however, you DMs are in a very reluctant mood, so it's going to feel like you're in a traffic jam, or almost broken down by the side of the road. Cus that movement just ain't being picked up ~ you need to start accepting your fate guys, it get's harder if you keep resisting.
So lets move on to the Divine Feminines and what's going down with them:
Now DFs, GREEN TARA (pronounced TAIR~uh) offers you rapid understanding of you relationship. Her name (Tara) mean's Star in Sanskrit. So you too are reminded you must light your own way and keep that inner light shining. It may seem difficult with your TFs being so difficult right now, but things should change soon ... Hopefully.
This Goddess offers you all advice. It's the advice of seeking advice...
"Ask other (including me) to help you, instead of trying to do everything by yourself."
The more we seek help from those who understand our situation (both Goddesses and your fellow DFs) the more you don't feel alone in your plight ~ you'd be amazed at just how many others are also as confused as you are. Together we can help each other.
Ask of this Goddess and she will assist you both rapidly and with an understanding of both the situation at hand and the relationship as a whole. Her assistance is assured DFs, it's in the cards ~ she wants you to delegate your worries by asking for help from all quarters.
The underlying effects is shown in the GREAT BEAR card. This is decision time; but you are being told to make decisions about what advice you need, who you ask for that advice. But also you will have to make a few judgements about yourself ~ like what advice and so on ~ and judging yourself is the hardest thing anyone can be asked to do. Yet you must look at yourself and make some very difficult judgements about what you really want, how you will work though these blockages, and about your own ego ~ is it getting in your own way?
There you have it for now. I've been asked a couple of times this last week if I'm a TF councillor ~ the answer is not at all. I'm simply a guy trying to make sense of all this, just like you are. I just consult with the universe using my tarots to gain a few answers, and then share them. So it's totally up to you if you take my advice or leave it. Hopefully, it's useful to a few of you. If so i'd love to hear your comments.
We'll have to see what next week brings. 💗
We'll have to see what next week brings. 💗
Ascended masters,
New Age,
Religion and Spirituality,
Tarot Reading,
Twin Flames,
York, UK
Monday, 12 June 2017
Loves Dream - love poem
"Love's Dream"
I sent a dream to you last night
From the end of the world!
You should be so happy...
You should be so glad ....
So why are you so lonely??
You're always out there
Running ...
And I see that lost look
In your eyes
~ Confusion!
When you get so sick of trying...
Hold on tight to your dreams
You shine a little love
On my life
And let me see
Though you ride on the
Wheels of tomorrow,
You still wander the
Fields of your sorrow!
And I wonder ...
Yes I wonder ...
Is the way
Life's meant to be??!
But what I see is so much
More than I can say ...
I see you in midnight blue
And as you stand there
Under the stary sky's
You feel sad inside....
But I see love in her eyes!
So ...I count the words
I'm never gonna say...
Time had stopped...
In a lonely world
~ such a lonely world!
No pictures on an empty wall...
Nobody there, no one at all!
Just echoes in ivory halls.
Time stood still
Just when I was thinking of her,
She came along
And made me want her ...
Stepped out of dream
Believing everything was gone...
Return with what you know~
It's a long time to be gone.
Time just goes on and on...
One day you're a hero,
Next day you're a clown.
There's nothing that's in between...
You left your mind out
Somewhere down the road
And I gave you time
To steal my mind
Away from me ...

Whole of Romeo and Juliet in song form - James Corden
Funny and lovely at the same time.
The whole of Romeo and Juliet in song form
. This is the most modern and wonderful take of the classic star-crossed lovers story ...
The whole of Romeo and Juliet in song form
. This is the most modern and wonderful take of the classic star-crossed lovers story ...
Emily Blunt,
James Corden,
Twin Flames,
Friday, 9 June 2017
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Using the Druid Animal Oracle cards |
We have:
* an EARTH DRAGON in the position of impulse. * a SOW (reversed) in the influence position.* a DOG (reversed) in the affect spot.
Have very feminine energy. So expect your emotions to be heightened. Remember SAGITTARIUS represents morals and truth, so be aware of how it affects you perceive the world, and those around you.
Represents power, potential, and riches. Positioned in Impulses, we see that she is a bestower of the secrets, a helper in the direction to go next. She's the Guardian of the treasure house ~ your treasure house ~ this is the secrets in your own heart.
You have to think of her as an aspect of yourself; you are the Guardian to your own treasure House of understanding your own potentials. It's time to unlock thise potential and see the beautiful souls around you.
Represents generosity, nourishment, and discovery. But in the reverse discovery becomes ignorance; it's this that will be influencing you in the near future. So don't take anything on face value.
Watch those perceptions: It would be wisest to reassess everything ~ especially your own opinions ~ right now. Things may not be as they first appear.
Represents guidance, protection, and loyalty. In the reverse the dog affects the shadow effect of guidance and loyalty; make sure disloyalty isn't misguiding you from your path. This is the time for selflessness understanding and being steadfast.
It could also, that those around you are not showing you the loyalty that you believe they should. Don't be misguided by your thoughts; be guided by your heart, and your instincts, for then you are less likely to make mistakes.
It sure looks like this will be a time that you won't be able to tell what is real and what is of your own making. So watch out for snap judgements, because, more likely will be wrong. With truth and morals being at a heightened point of your perception, it will be difficult to define what is truth and what is moral obligation. How we see the world may be turned on its head. So try to stay centered and think thing out before making decisions.
Ascended masters,
Divine Feminine,
Divine Masculine,
full moon,
New Age,
Religion and Spirituality,
Tarot Reading,
Twin Flames
Wednesday, 7 June 2017
Difference in Soulmates & Twin Flames - Twin Flame Continuum reading (7-6-17)
So, it's the 7th June 2017 and I've just finished my video reading for the Twin Flame Continuum... There seems to be a lot of DMs bolting, and it's causing mayhem for the DFs. All that Divine energy is really going crazy at the moment. . .
A short word about the TF continuum: Don't think that this is going to be easy, it isn't. You are in a battle with yourself to right your own energies. No one else can do this for you ~ this is your battle, and you will have to win if you want to move to the next level. But to win you need to loose; loose the ego, loose who you actually believe you are. Lets say you're a DM (Divine Masculine), which means you have an over abundance of masculine energy (Doesn't necessarily mean you are a male, you could be a female with an over abundance of masculine energy) and low feminine energy. But you still have both energies. The idea is for you to balance your masculine and feminine energies, so that neither is dominant. That's when you have undergone ego death and are able to connect into your emotions without panicking all the time, then you will be ready to elevate your consciousness to the point that divine union can take place. In the same way, DFs have a similar task of balancing out their over abundance of feminine energy (and increasing their low masculine energy), so that your emotions don't get the better of you and you are able to view situations rationally (but not too rationally) with an open heart. The name of the game is balance!
Without both individuals reaching balance, neither of you can elevate your consciousness into the right place for divine union. And without diving union you are stuck in the human form for a further lifetime. So this balancing act is very important, if you don't want to have to repeat this all over again. It's a form of Divine Groundhog Day, where each lifetime you are giving the same challenges to defeat. The situations may change, and the people will definitely change around you from lifetime to lifetime (although they will still pop up somewhere in you life timeline, but not always playing the same characters. But your TF will still be your TF in all lifetimes, even if you don't get to meet them in each one. It's a game of roulette and you have to win to leave this physical plane. So it's time to get serious, people.
This card represents the over all energies at the moment. The stag is a proud and independent creature. It's all about independence, and finding your own place in the Continuum. Whether you are a DM or DF, this is a card who's strength lies in its independence; this is the energy to draw on right now. Show your own independence from your TF, and sort out these energies yourself. The game is to balance your own energies.
So the card that has appeared for the Divine Masculine energies for this week is the Fool. He is a journeyman ~ and this is the start of a journey into the divine feminine for every DM. But it's also the card of courage. So "man up" as they say. Stop spitting your dummy out and refusing to play, stop running and ending your relationships. This isn't man-cave time, it's not lets hibernate and hope it all goes away time; this is man-up time. You are gonna need all your courage to fight the urge to run!! This is the hardest thing you'll ever do in your life ~ fighting a grisly would be easier than the task you have.
The fool is the archetype for the leap of faith. He steps off a cliff without a seconds thought ... never worrying if he'll survive or die. That is pure bravery. You are going to have to , pus that masculine intellect and reasoning away and accept your fate; just take the leap into the unknown and learn to be more emotional, more gut instinct based. It's not easy, but you have courage on your side DMs ... Use it!!
So DFs, Athena calls for Inner Wisdom. She is a card of understanding and acting on your gut instincts. Wisdom is the call here, for it's time to stop worrying if you TF is in this relationship or not ~ of course they are, or they wouldn't be your TF ~ by definition that makes them in the relationship whether they run or stand still.
You cannot let your emotions cloud your inner wisdom, you have to accept that things will come right, and move on.
It's time to take back you power. You gave it up the moment that your TF appeared on the scene. That was the point that you let your feminine energy go back through the roof. Now you need to assert the power you created for yourself by re-balancing those energies once more. It's all about owning your own power and accepting that things will come right in the end. It's all you can do!
Twin Souls (flames) are complex and the reality is that you TF will cause you to drag all the negative energy back up to the surface. It's a good thing, because now you have to deal with it. But it's a very difficult thing to have to deal with. All that shit isn't nice to handle, and we tend to shy away from dealing with anything that unpleasant on principle. However, you're gonna have to deal with a hell of a lot of this stuff and so is your TF, so a little independence to take stock and work things through might not be as bad as it currently seems. Use this time wisely!
There you have it for now. We'll have to see what next week brings. 💗
A short word about the TF continuum: Don't think that this is going to be easy, it isn't. You are in a battle with yourself to right your own energies. No one else can do this for you ~ this is your battle, and you will have to win if you want to move to the next level. But to win you need to loose; loose the ego, loose who you actually believe you are. Lets say you're a DM (Divine Masculine), which means you have an over abundance of masculine energy (Doesn't necessarily mean you are a male, you could be a female with an over abundance of masculine energy) and low feminine energy. But you still have both energies. The idea is for you to balance your masculine and feminine energies, so that neither is dominant. That's when you have undergone ego death and are able to connect into your emotions without panicking all the time, then you will be ready to elevate your consciousness to the point that divine union can take place. In the same way, DFs have a similar task of balancing out their over abundance of feminine energy (and increasing their low masculine energy), so that your emotions don't get the better of you and you are able to view situations rationally (but not too rationally) with an open heart. The name of the game is balance!
Without both individuals reaching balance, neither of you can elevate your consciousness into the right place for divine union. And without diving union you are stuck in the human form for a further lifetime. So this balancing act is very important, if you don't want to have to repeat this all over again. It's a form of Divine Groundhog Day, where each lifetime you are giving the same challenges to defeat. The situations may change, and the people will definitely change around you from lifetime to lifetime (although they will still pop up somewhere in you life timeline, but not always playing the same characters. But your TF will still be your TF in all lifetimes, even if you don't get to meet them in each one. It's a game of roulette and you have to win to leave this physical plane. So it's time to get serious, people.
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Reading 7-6-17 |
This card represents the over all energies at the moment. The stag is a proud and independent creature. It's all about independence, and finding your own place in the Continuum. Whether you are a DM or DF, this is a card who's strength lies in its independence; this is the energy to draw on right now. Show your own independence from your TF, and sort out these energies yourself. The game is to balance your own energies.
So the card that has appeared for the Divine Masculine energies for this week is the Fool. He is a journeyman ~ and this is the start of a journey into the divine feminine for every DM. But it's also the card of courage. So "man up" as they say. Stop spitting your dummy out and refusing to play, stop running and ending your relationships. This isn't man-cave time, it's not lets hibernate and hope it all goes away time; this is man-up time. You are gonna need all your courage to fight the urge to run!! This is the hardest thing you'll ever do in your life ~ fighting a grisly would be easier than the task you have.
The fool is the archetype for the leap of faith. He steps off a cliff without a seconds thought ... never worrying if he'll survive or die. That is pure bravery. You are going to have to , pus that masculine intellect and reasoning away and accept your fate; just take the leap into the unknown and learn to be more emotional, more gut instinct based. It's not easy, but you have courage on your side DMs ... Use it!!
So DFs, Athena calls for Inner Wisdom. She is a card of understanding and acting on your gut instincts. Wisdom is the call here, for it's time to stop worrying if you TF is in this relationship or not ~ of course they are, or they wouldn't be your TF ~ by definition that makes them in the relationship whether they run or stand still.
You cannot let your emotions cloud your inner wisdom, you have to accept that things will come right, and move on.
It's time to take back you power. You gave it up the moment that your TF appeared on the scene. That was the point that you let your feminine energy go back through the roof. Now you need to assert the power you created for yourself by re-balancing those energies once more. It's all about owning your own power and accepting that things will come right in the end. It's all you can do!
Twin Souls (flames) are complex and the reality is that you TF will cause you to drag all the negative energy back up to the surface. It's a good thing, because now you have to deal with it. But it's a very difficult thing to have to deal with. All that shit isn't nice to handle, and we tend to shy away from dealing with anything that unpleasant on principle. However, you're gonna have to deal with a hell of a lot of this stuff and so is your TF, so a little independence to take stock and work things through might not be as bad as it currently seems. Use this time wisely!
There you have it for now. We'll have to see what next week brings. 💗
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