Thursday, 30 August 2012

Early Winter

.: heavy rain during bank holiday weekend :.

Early Winter?

With the onset of cold, wet weather hitting Britain it feels a bit like an early winter.

This feeling wasn't helped last night by the Paralympic 2012 opening ceremony with a display using umbrellas (for the not so spectacular display).

Saturday, 25 August 2012

Vodou Cookies - Metaphysical Munchies

When you hear the phrase "food for the soul" do you too think of chicken soup and matzo balls? I'm not even Jewish, and yet it's there in my subconscious. It's comfort from within with a metaphysical twist. That's how you could describe this set of articles - comfort from metaphysical munchies!

The Vodou Man
& the Yummy

This time we will look at a Vudon charm fit to make the mouth and the eyes water.

Vodou originates in the 18th century, when Africans were suppressed their religious practices. It began in the Frenchised slave colony of Saint-Domingue. African slaves were forced to convert to Christianity - mainly Catholism. It's predecessor being West African Vodun (as practiced by the Fon and Ewe). Vodou also incorporates elements and symbolism from Roman Catholic Christianity and European mysticism.

Tuesday, 21 August 2012

Winter Magick

Winter Magic

The sounds of drums, calling forth winter…
The battle between the light and darkness wage its daily war in the hearts of all humans, as it has for thousands of years.


Northern Light
In the Northern hemisphere, as the dark nights draw in -and the days shorten- our hearts turn towards the winter holidays. Call them whatever you feel appropriate, they are a time to dwell on the both life and death issues - as they always have been. We see the lessening of sun-hours and the lengthening of night's dark oppression and it depresses even the most civilised of us.

Thursday, 16 August 2012

Colour Magick

Today we are going to talk about colour correspondent.

Some people may have had something similar done for them. (Ranking them as a Summer-, Autumn-, Winter- or Spring-person.) That isn’t what this is about!


Each day of the week has its own corresponding colour, planet, and even hour. Colours are of major importance in both healing and magick: Frequently used in candle magick, crystal magick, flower magick (or hedgerow witchery), food magick (or kitchen witchery), and water magick.

Colours affect how we view thing, our feelings, and our energy flows (the chakras).

For all these things, the basic concept is the same. Each colour corresponds to certain focuses and qualities. And these can be tapped by tuning into the specific colour.

If you think about what white is associated with it helps you realise its best uses. Western weddings centre around this colour. We wrap babies in it. We snuggle in the light, and shy away from the dark. It is a colour for winter. White symbolises purity, innocence, the Goddess, and light. It is associated with the moon and Mondays.

We use red for danger, anger and to represent life force (blood). It symbolises heat and is one of the colours of summer. Sexuality, passion and love all connect into red. It represents the Gods and power in general. Mars (planet and god) and Tuesdays both correlate with red.

The fruit, Oranges, and the sun are under this colour’s correspondences. So are physical and mental fertility (or creativity), the arts, joy, confidence, abundance and individuality. It’s day is Sunday (of course).

Memory, concentration, logic, and learning are all increased by yellow. It rules commerce, medicine, skill, dexterity and messages (especially from the gods). Technology and communication are handled by this colour, and so is business and careers. Wednesday and Mercury are the focus for yellows.

The earth, forests, trees, gardens, plants, herbs, and nature in general are all connected to green. It brings about harmony and peace, increases wealth, helps relationships and romance. Green is the colour of spring, money and the land, the heart and luck. Faeries and magick are also influenced by this colour. Its planet is Venus and its day is Friday.

(Hold aspects of both blue and green.) Music, dance, wisdom, experience, thoughts, feelings, compassion, and altruism all connect with turquoise. It is used to synthesise two different aspects (like home and work etc.) of life and keep them smoothly on a pace with each other. Turquoise has most effect on Thursdays or Fridays.

Protection, rules, judgement, and the sky (gods) are attached to the colour blue. It expands boundaries and possibilities, increases success and confidence, nobility, and optimism. Blue is used for prosperity, promotion, and to exploit prospects in business. When dealing with the law or officials then blue should be your colour of choice. It’s a problem-solver and encourages calm in crisis, and opens the mind’s eye. It’s the colour of winter and its day is Thursday.

(This includes lavender, indigo and violet.) Hidden knowledge, psychic ability, and spirituality are all ruled by purple. It’s the colour of the higher-self. It connects into astral travel and the aura (or astral field), and preventing nightmares. Its planet is Jupiter and its day is Friday.

Pink is the colour of emotions, and the heart’s sentiments. Relationships, friendship, affection, children and growth are all its aspects. It helps to mend emotions (through gentle sleep) and release childhood hurts/family wounds. Its planet is Venus (in her gentle mode) and the corresponding day is Friday.

Brown effects time and helps reclaims lost items. In magick, it’s used for household pets, or animals, for learning new skills and security. It connects to Mother Earth and earth spirits. It’s the colour of autumn. Its day is Saturday.

How to use colours 
By implementing the use for colours in your life you can employ that colour’s correspondences.

By using crystals of an appropriate colour to affect the auric field (which expands 3ft or a meter in all directions from your solar plexus) it is possible to implement changes – just by carrying crystals. (A rose quartz to heal the heart, for example.)

By wearing a colour, you implement the associations of that tint. (E.g. wearing white on a Monday connects you too the moon and the Goddess aspects.

By burning candles of a suitable colour (to correspond with needs), you can draw towards you whatever it is that can help in a matter. (A green candle for finances.)

In this way it is possible to take the matching properties of a colour AND MAKE IT WORK FOR YOU!

That’s the essence of colour magick. So when you reach for a sweater -or a pair of socks- consider what you need for that day and pick a colour appropriate item.

Monday, 13 August 2012

Magic Time (Part 5)

Magic Time

On Hallowe’en. Digital ID: 1587792. New York Public Library

.: On Hallowe’en. Digital ID: 1587792 :.

In this fifth (and last) article on Magick, we'll look at potential and viability.

We've talked over opportunities and the power of a positive mental attitude to bring to you whatever it is you wanted. Now we need to talk about the business of potential and how to market that potential.

Saturday, 11 August 2012

Moon Cookies - Metaphysical Munchies

When you hear the phrase "food for the soul" do you too think of chicken soup and matzo balls? I'm not even Jewish, and yet it's there in my subconscious. It's comfort from within with a metaphysical twist. That's how you could describe this set of articles - comfort food with that metaphysical twist!

Wiccan Moon Goddess

This time we will look at a Wiccan Sabbats and Esbats to find a magical morsel.

Within Wicca there are major Sabbats and the minor Esbats. The major connect to festivals on the wheel of the year (8 to be precise – the Wiccan year runs from Oct 31st through Oct 30th). These connect with the two equinox and the two solstice and four pagan festivals dotted in between. (they are: Samhain, Yule, Imbolc, Ostara, Beltane, Litha, Lughnasadh, Mabon). Each of these majors have their own special foods to go along with each festival. And all individual groups have their own preferences.

Monday, 6 August 2012

Magic Time (Part 4)

Magic Time

.: "Power of me" (Holding and controling fire by magick) :.

In this fourth article on Magick, we’ll build on what we already have - how to harness your personal needs.

Consider what your opportunities are. As I told you before, the universe will not do all the hard work for you. You have taken a move closer to what you want to gain, but that isn't enough for it to come to you. It takes a few little tweaks to make that happen.

Thursday, 2 August 2012

More Lughnasadh Blessings

A blessed be to all on this 2nd Lughnasadh morning. May you reap the benefits this harvest time.

This is simply an update; a 'more thing to be thankful for' sort of thing. For my actual Lughnasadh Blessings for 2012 go here.

Yesterday I thanked the gods and goddesses for a lot of things that are good in my life but I did missed a few: Like, I'm grateful to be alive. (Found out this morning off s friend that someone I see most morning -and have talked to most jovially- has just undergone a quadruple bypass. She said he looked shocking, that he was being held-up by his wife. This was a tall, proud and fit man the last time I saw him a few week earlier. This is what reminded me how glad I am to be alive this morning.)

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