Tuesday, 11 December 2012

Metaphysical Munchies:- Caramel Reindeer Noses

When you hear the phrase "food for the soul" do you too think of chicken soup and matzo balls? I'm not even Jewish, and yet it's there in my subconscious. It's comfort from within with a metaphysical twist. That's how you could describe this set of articles - comfort food with that metaphysical twist!

Christmas Sleighed

This time we will look at a Christmas and Yule to find a magical morsel.

Christmas celebrations are both a major festival and a public holiday in countries around the world, including many whose populations are mostly non-Christian. Countries such as Japan, where Christmas is popular despite there being only a small number of Christians, have adopted many of the secular aspects of Christmas, such as gift-giving, decorations and Christmas trees.

Saturday, 1 December 2012

Pagan Truth:- The Green Santa - In the Beginning

The original Santa, or Saint Nicholas, was green and not red, as we portray him today. Not only that, but he had a totally different meaning to the Santa Claus we know today.
Santa Claus, also known as Saint Nicholas, Father Christmas and simply "Santa", is a figure with legendary, mythical, historical and folkloric origins who, in many western cultures, is said to bring gifts to the homes of the good children during the late evening and overnight hours of Christmas Eve, December 24. The modern figure was derived from the Dutch figure of Sinterklaas...
from Santa Claus page @ Wikipedia
The Santa we see in modern times only came about in the early 1950's, when Coca Cola had a problem with sales in some European countries. They adopted his image at the time for a couple of reasons: The first being Post war depression. But the main reason was Coca Cola was little known to Europeans, and the depression's effects made it harder.

Vintage Cocoa Cola Christmas Advert

Vintage Cocoa Cola Christmas Advert

One astute salesman (sent to Europe to help sales) -who happened to be studying children's stories- came across the legend of Saint Nicholas. (A character who willingly gave to children - to spread joy into their povity-stricken-lives.)

Deciding to use this fabled character in a world-wide marketing campaign, Coca Cola came up with a sales pitch to capture the market. They increased the sales of cola with a jolly fat man in a red and white suit, which perfectly matched their product colours, and instilled a feeling of joy (about a man like St. Nicholas who gave presents one day of each year to enrich their lives) even just for a while.

The Europeans ate up this American link to their own heritage seeing similarities to their own versions of St. Nicholas; especially as they didn't knowing this was created just to sell a product.

Spirit of Yule

Spirit of Yule

It might be of surprise to realise that Santa's suit was originally green before Cocoa Cola changed it to their logo colours of red and white; and all just to push cola into the depressed European market. So strange, but really true.

The VuDooMan is in the House
When you need a little faith, turn to the VuDooMan

Friday, 30 November 2012

Pagan Truth:- Christmas Pagan Origins

The VuDooMan is in the House
When you need a little faith, turn to the VuDooMan

Spirit of Yule
Spirit of Yule
Few people realize that the origins of a form of Christmas was pagan and; celebrated in Europe long before anyone there had heard of Jesus Christ.

No one knows what day Jesus Christ was born on. From the biblical description, most historians believe that his birth probably occurred in September, approximately six months after Passover. One thing they agree on is that it is very unlikely that Jesus was born in December, since the bible records shepherds tending their sheep in the fields on that night. This is quite unlikely to have happened during a cold Judean winter.

So why do we celebrate Christ's birthday as Christmas, on December the 25th?

The answer lies in the pagan origins of Christmas. In ancient Babylon, the feast of the Son of Isis (Goddess of Nature) was celebrated on December 25. Raucous partying, gluttonous eating and drinking, and gift-giving were traditions of this feast.

In Rome, the Winter Solstice was celebrated many years before the birth of Christ. The Romans called their winter holiday Saturnalia, honouring Saturn, the God of Agriculture. In January, they observed the Kalends of January, which represented the triumph of life over death. This whole season was called Dies Natalis Invicti Solis, the Birthday of the Unconquered Sun. The festival season was marked by much merrymaking. It is in ancient Rome that the tradition of the Mummers was born. The Mummers were groups of costumed singers and dancers who travelled from house to house entertaining their neighbours. From this, the Christmas tradition of carolling was born.

In northern Europe, many other traditions that we now consider part of Christian worship were begun long before the participants had ever heard of Christ. The pagans of northern Europe celebrated the their own winter solstice, known as Yule. Yule was symbolic of the pagan Sun God, Mithras, being born, and was observed on the shortest day of the year. As the Sun God grew and matured, the days became longer and warmer. It was customary to light a candle to encourage Mithras, and the sun, to reappear next year.

Huge Yule logs were burned in honour of the sun. The word Yule itself means "wheel," the wheel being a pagan symbol for the sun. Mistletoe was considered a sacred plant, and the custom of kissing under the mistletoe began as a fertility ritual. Holly berries were thought to be a food of the gods.

The tree is the one symbol that unites almost all the northern European winter solstices. Live evergreen trees were often brought into homes during the harsh winters as a reminder to inhabitants that soon their crops would grow again. Evergreen boughs were sometimes carried as totems of good luck and were often present at weddings, representing fertility. The Druids used the tree as a religious symbol, holding their sacred ceremonies while surrounding and worshipping huge trees.

In 350, Pope Julius I declared that Christ's birth would be celebrated on December 25. There is little doubt that he was trying to make it as painless as possible for pagan Romans (who remained a majority at that time) to convert to Christianity. The new religion went down a bit easier, knowing that their feasts would not be taken away from them.

Christmas (Christ-Mass) as we know it today, most historians agree, began in Germany, though Catholics and Lutherans still disagree about which church celebrated it first. The earliest record of an evergreen being decorated in a Christian celebration was in 1521 in the Alsace region of Germany. A prominent Lutheran minister of the day cried blasphemy:

"Better that they should look to the true tree of life, Christ."
The controversy continues even today in some fundamentalist sects.

Friday, 23 November 2012

Pagan Truth: Thanksgiving Roots

The VuDooMan is in the House
When you need a little faith, turn to the VuDooMan

It is taught in American schools that the Pilgrims established Thanksgiving (to share their abundant harvest with local Wampanoag "People of the Dawn" Tribe).
« Most history books would like to convince us that Thanksgiving Day goes back to only Plymouth Rock in the 1600's. Plymouth Rock was not the first Thanksgiving Day though. (Ever wonder why Canada has a Thanksgiving Day also?) This pagan feast, honoring the agricultural gods, goes back thousands of years, in one form or another. »

Thursday, 22 November 2012

Cameron warns priests of turbulence after church votes no to female bishops

Backed by politicians of all stripes, prime minister urges Church of England to 'get with the programme' and reconsider decision.

Campaigners for female bishops...
Campaigners for female bishops hold a vigil outside Church House after the vote.
Photograph: Jordan Mansfield/Getty Images

Tuesday, 20 November 2012

BREAKING NEWS: Church of England general synod rejects women bishops

The Church of England's general synod has voted against appointing women as bishops.

Campaign group Women and the Church called it "a devastating blow" for the Church and the people of England.

What an utter shambles!!

Tonight the traditionalits have won, but Christianity as a whole has lost bigtime. I knew that Roman Catholics are stuck in the fourteenth century, but I never thought British CofE ministers were also!! Shame on these 'men of God'!!

Saturday, 17 November 2012

Welby Wants the Mitre on Female Heads!

Rt Rev Justin Welby
This is a follow up article to:
Placing the Mitre on Female Heads?

Selby Calls For Women Bishopd

Back in July I did an article on Women Bishops. (For those of you who read it back then, or would rather not bother, I’ll quickly summarise.)
  1. The previous Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowen Williams, urged the General Synod to resolve the issue over female bishops (an issue 36 years in the making).
  2. Parliament voted on this issue and allowed it (123 in favour and 53 against). If the vote hadn’t been passed it would have been shelved until 2015!
  3. When it comes to women in roles within the church, things get sticky. Anglicans (happy to have female priest) don’t wish for them to pursue leadership positions.
  4. While, in the past, the Anglo-Catholic's have gone as far as saying one may as well ;“ordain a pork-pie”.
  5. Dr Rowen put forward conditions to appease those “who continued to have theological reservations”.
  6. However, their are concerns from senior women clergy (some prospective candidates for the roles of women bishops) who take offence at not merely been asked to step-aside but demanded by church law (due to clause 5(1)c).
  7. Eventually, the vote was postponed until November.

The vote will take place at a special session of the Church’s General Synod in London next week.

The high-flying crusader for women bishops, Christina Rees, objects to clause 5(1)c. She has concerns that the discrimination of females and the further favouring of males over females bishops will moth only cause fundamental problems, it’ll down-play the roles of female bishops within the CofE.

The online campaign (organised by blogger “Church Mouse") Yes 2 Women Bishops) has attracted large support in recent days.

The Rt Rev Justin Welby (as chosen successor to Dr Rowan Williams)   last week that he is in favour of female bishops and is set to make a personal plea to traditionalists to “go forward" in a show of unity, in an attempt to end years of struggle for women within the Church of England for leadership

also see: Give winnings to church - Welby suggests »

and: Welby to be next Archbishop of Canterbury »

Wednesday, 14 November 2012

Give winnings to church - Welby suggests

The Rt Rev Justin Welby: "We may not like that food centres are necessary, but they are and they need paying for"

The next Archbishop of Canterbury has suggested people who made money by correctly betting on his appointment should donate their winnings to parish churches.

Tuesday, 13 November 2012

Vatican launches Latin academy

Pope Benedict XVI has approved the launch of a new Latin language college in the Vatican.

The Pope said the Church was the "guardian and promoter" of Latin and that a good understanding of it was more important than ever.

Friday, 9 November 2012

Justin Welby urges General Synod to vote in favour of female bishops

Justin Welby, the bishop of Durham, has urged the General Synod to vote in favour of landmark legislation allowing women to become bishops as his appointment as the next archbishop of Canterbury was confirmed by Downing Street.

Welby set to be archbishop of Canterbury

Bishop of Durham Justin Welby, an Eton and Cambridge-educated former oil executive, looks set to be named as the next Archbishop of Canterbury replacing Rowan Williams, who has held the post for a decade.

Tuesday, 6 November 2012

How to join the Pagan faith?

Taken from Yahoo Answers »
I've been learning about and considering Paganism for a long time, and I think it's for me. How do I become a Pagan?
Paganism refers to any of a wide array of spiritual/religious beliefs based on Pre-Christian non-centralized beliefs. If you want to be a pagan, you are one. There are specific initiatory rituals for Wicca, Asatru, and Kemetism, among others; all of which are pagan religions.

A pagan who is not a member of a specific organized "path" such as the above is referred to as an "eclectic pagan". Eclectic pagans are those who do not follow the beliefs of any other group or individual specifically, but instead create their own path based on what feels true, right, and natural to them, usually borrowing from the practices of many other religions.

If you are interested in practicing Wicca, which is probably the largest pagan religion, I suggest "Wicca: A Guide to the Solitary Practitioner" and "Living Wicca" both by Scott Cunningham, as well as all of the works of Gerald Gardner and Raymond Buckland. Some of the books written by Silver Ravenwolf might also be helpful to you.

For more information, answers to questions, as well as lessons and articles on eclectic paganism as well as specific paths, a more dynamic resource is important, so I suggest the following message boards:

As to those who have answered this question with negative things to say, you have my pity. It must be difficult living with such a narrow and closed-minded world view.

May you find what you seek.

Landra, High Priestess of the Coven of the Crossed Paths

Friday, 26 October 2012

The Hallowe'en Truth: is Hello Kitty Evil?

Hello Kitty stickers
Hello Kitty stickers (Photo credit: diwong)

Urban Dictionary describes Hello Kitty as a "Japanese mass-casualty weapon... Doctors warn that even low-level exposure may cause a perfectly sound mind to crack."

But is Hello Kitty truly evil?

There are plenty of conspiracies connected to the Hello Kitty phenomena. But that doesn't mean that the concept is one of evil.

This is the iconic white cat with the red bow, dots for eyes, and absent mouth that is mysteriously cute as hell to little girls.

The absence of a mouth makes her a little creepy. There are urban legends that state the mouth was left of because she was first drawn by a child suffering abuse, who wanted someone to confide in. There is also a legend that states she was drawn by a mother who's daughter was dying of cancer, and that the little white cat is a the result of a pack she made with the Devil to cure her daughter - the mouth was left off so the character could never spill the beans to anyone.

Hello Kitty Mentaiko?
Hello Kitty Mentaiko? (Photo credit: jpellgen)
If either of these Urbanised tales are true, then surely it would have been reported widely...

A little History on Kittty...

Hello Kitty first came into being in the 70′s when a then new company called Sanrio needed to come up with a merchandise mascot that would appeal to the pre-teen girl demographic. They commissioned an artist to work on the project and she came up with a drawing of a white Japanese Bobtail cat that had a red bow in it’s hair and was wearing blue overalls.

A whole back story for Hello Kitty was created, which is basically this: Hello Kitty is actually a nickname for Kitty White, who is not Japanese but actually British and lives in London with her family.

The Hello Kitty character was deliberately designed without a mouth so the lack of that visual cue made it easier for people to project their own feelings on to the cartoon character.

Their is something fundamentally wrong with a mute character that pre-teen girls can project their own emotion onto with impunity.

If nothing else, this little symbol of girlie cuteness has more of the Japanese Goth about it than British teen. It has seduced a world of females and has made its creators billionaires. (There are even theme parks and beauty products with the white bobtail cat's insignia on them.)

Hello Kitty has reached cult status with many fans - so now is close to becoming a religious icon. If someone truly sold their soul for this phenomena, it was quite a deal, and one that just keep on growing.

Is Hello Kitty Evil? Who knows?...

Personally, I can't stand the thing and find it completely creepy. But what do you think?

The VuDooMan is in the House
When you need a little faith, turn to the VuDooMan

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Wednesday, 24 October 2012

More roots of Halloween in the Celtic festival of Samhain

As I said a couple of weeks ago, the roots of Halloween can be found in the Celtic (Samain) Samhain.

Jack-o-lantern (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Early Irish manuscripts are peppered with the magical significance of Samhain.

This festival of the dead stands on the boundaries of time. (This was a time when the boundaries between a man's land and his neighbour's were a dangerous place to be at night.)

Because the practice of telling the future (or divination) was part of everyday life for the Celts. It is obvious that divination was a crucial aspect of the festivities of Samhain.

Vestiges of this can be seen today in Halloween traditions: Girls can look in a mirror on the night of October 31st, to see the image of the man they will marry (but run the risk of seeing the devil). If you're brave enough to go to a graveyard at midnight, then walk 3 times round it, they supposed to be offered a glimpse the future (but again run the risk of meeting the devil).

An early 20th century Hallowe'en greeting card
An early 20th century Hallowe'en
greeting card (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

(The threat of meeting the devil may originate from Christian traditions of associate pagan, or Celtic, god of the dead - Donn the Lord of the Dead - with the Christian Devil.)

Naturally, burial places were avoided on nearly all nights by the Celts, but specifically on Samhain, when ghost and the dead mingled freely with the living. They also believed that bridges and crossroads were likely places to find ghosts and the like.

Graveyard (Photo credit: ~ Phil Moore)
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Friday, 19 October 2012

More Roots of Halloween (the Celtic Samhain)

As I said last week, the roots of Halloween can be found in the Celtic (Samain) Samhain.
For the Celts, this time of the (wheel of the) year was marked by the sun's passage into the underworld - thus allowing the forces of 'the underworld' to ascend.
Halloween Lantern
Halloween Lantern (Photo credit: somewhereintheworldtoday)
Unfettered by the controlling the sun-god, Mog Ruith, the Lord of the Underworld, becomes able to walk the earth from Autumn to Winter, along with all the other creatures -of the dead- of his abode. (In Celtic mythology, the Lord of the Dead is often identified as Donn.)

Both Donn and Mog Ruith (the sun-god  are closely associated with Samhain. (Mog Ruith, as sun-god  sojourned at the realm of the underworld, the abode of Donn during this time of the year.)
The Celts were fascinated by their ancestors  causing a belief that at death they went to the house of their ancestor, the god of the underworld, Donn.
For the Celts, this was a time when fairies, goolies and all manner of other creatures and ghosts traveled abroad (walking the earth).
Their fires were lit in honor of the sun-god  Mog Ruith, and to keep the Lord of the Dead/Underworld at bay.
(Samhain is placed on the boundary between Summer and Winter, between the two halves of the year; giving it the unique status  to the Celts of being suspended in time. Belong to neither the old year nor the new. During the night of Samhain, life's natural order is thrown into chaos; the world of the living becoming entangled with the world of the dead.)
On this night, the unwary Celtic traveler  would expect to encounter creatures of the dead. (Back then, it was advisable to refrain from going out at night.) Ghosts were everywhere.
Lighting the bonfires marked the domestic celebration of the feast. Allowing the spirits of the ancestors back into the household.
The ancestral ghosts needed appeasement in the form of ritual offerings; to insure good luck through the following year. This is were the 'Trick or Treat' tradition of the modern Halloween originated. (Children dressed as the dwellers of the underworld - ghosts, witches, and monsters - visit homes with the hope of getting 'treats' or performing a 'trick' on the household's occupants - the equivalent of a dose of bad luck.)

Toffee Apples
Toffee Apples (Photo credit: julie gibbons)

More next week
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Sunday, 14 October 2012

The roots of Halloween can be found in the Celtic (Samain) Samhain

As millions of children and adults prepare to participate in the fun of Halloween, few are aware of its ancient Celtic roots in the Samhain (Samain) festival.

Halloween Costumes
Halloween Costumes (Photo credit: Transguyjay)

In Celtic Ireland about 2,000 years ago, Samhain was the division of the year between summer (the lighter half of the year) and winter (the darker half if the year.

At Samhain the division between the other-world and this world is at its thinnest; allowing spirits to pass between the two.

The honoured family's ancestors were invited into the home. (Whilst warding-off harmful spirits.)
By wearing masks and costumes, the community disguised themselves as harmful spirits, in the hope of preventing being attacked by them.

The festivities would take place on the Eve of Samhain, as Halloween does today. The Samhain festival marked the end of the Celtic year and the beginning of the next one. (Halloween can be seen to the Celtic equivalent of New Year's Eve. This festival being the most important of the four Celtic Festivals: Imbolc, Beltane, Lughnasadh and Samhain.)

A large part of the festivities surrounded bonfires and food: Household fires were extinguished and started again from the communal bonfire. The bones from the slaughtered livestock used to feed the community were cast into this bonfire.

English bonfire
English bonfire (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Both the living and the dead were fed. Because the ancestors were in unable to eat their share, the less well off ritually ate for them.

Great numbers of Irish immigrants flocked to America during the Nineteenth Century (around the time of 1840's famine), taking with them their Halloween traditions. (Where it has become a crucial time of year; one of the USA's major holidays during modern times. The American harvest-time tradition of carving pumpkins has been embedded into these traditions.)

Jack-o-lantern (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

There is no doubt that that Halloween is loaded with symbolic significance from its Samhain past.

The lighting of these Winter Fires (bonfire) marked the sun's passage across the skies; and preceded its symbolic death in December. Fire being the sun's earthly counterpart, especially during the onset of winter.

More next week
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Wednesday, 3 October 2012

Samhain? Is It Time To Talk About Ancestors Yet? « myvillagewitch

reblogged: Samhain? Is It Time To Talk About Ancestors Yet? « myvillagewitch:

'via Blog this'

Not quite? Not yet? Still a holy day to go before that one, you say?
Perhaps I should shorten my vision a bit.
We have been deeply…enmeshed in the process of creating a group of clergy for Mother Grove Goddess Temple. It’s has been scary and invigorating and silly and annoying. And very very good. This time next week, it’ll be a done deal since the rite of ordination occurs Friday night. At New Moon.
In some ways it seems a simple thing–a group of women who’ve been studying for over a year are capping off their studies with a ceremony. Like graduation or something.
And then I remember what this is. It’s the ordination of clergy in a Goddess temple.
A Goddess temple. In Asheville. A College of Celebrants in a…Goddess temple.
Then I gulp and rub my eyes and have to sit down for a minute because that part seems rather glorious and a little magical and filled with mystery and import.
And it is–on the one hand. We’re part of a rising movement across the globe–a movement that is sometimes called the Return of the Goddess or the Rise of the Great Mother. Each time I hear of a new temple starting out, my heart swells with joy and I feel the pull of past and future simultaneously, as though I stand on a hill and see forward and back. I feel the pull of the mythic past and the tug of a future that we weld together with fire and longing.
These are not only Temple priestesses but also clergy as the modern world understands that notion. Marrying and burying and everything in between. In fact, the week after this ordination, there’s a wedding to do. And I’m talking to old friends about a blessing for their grandson.
The pleasant ending of a year of work and exploration. A ceremony of transition for strong and wise women. A liminal place, a doorway through which they walk into a new and ancient world.

Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Metaphysics and Crystals - Chakras (part 1)

Chakra comes from the Sanskrit for wheel. They all spin at different speeds and in different directions. Though fixed in the central spinal column they are located on both the front and the back of the body, and work through it.
The 7 points on the body marking each of the chakras. Illstration: Cyberpunk65.

There are seven chakras on the body; these lie along the Kundalini (the spiritual and sexual energy at the base of the spine and rises up to the crown chakra).
Starting at the highest point, above the head: is the crown chakra. The crown connects to the mind and is a associated with the colours white or purple. The main crystal or crystals associated with the crown chakra are: Clear Quarts and Amethyst.

Next down, is the brow or third-eye. The brow/third-eye, connects to the mind and is associated with the colour blue. The main crystals are Blue Tiger's Eye and Lapis Lazuli.

Part 2 coming soon.
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Tuesday, 18 September 2012

A Happy Mabon Blessing to All

With the fields empty of crops (having been harvested), it's time for Mabon - the mid-harvest festival of Pagans and Wiccans everywhere. Whether you're a town / city Pagan / Wiccan or a country one, this is a time to honor the second harvest and celebrate the changing of the seasons.
Happy Mabon!
Happy Mabon! (Photo credit: Fel ix_Nine).

autumn equinox, is usually on nineth month between 20th and 22nd - and this year falls on September 22nd (in Northan Hemisphere, or March 22nd in Southern Hemisphere).

Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Metaphysics & Crystals (part 1)

So what is metaphysics?

Metaphysics is a branch of philosophy that investigates principles of reality transcending those of any particular science.
English: Calcite crystals inside a test of the...
English: Calcite crystals inside a test of the cystoid Echinosphaerites aurantium (Middle Ordovician, Estonia).
(Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Thursday, 30 August 2012

Early Winter

.: heavy rain during bank holiday weekend :.

Early Winter?

With the onset of cold, wet weather hitting Britain it feels a bit like an early winter.

This feeling wasn't helped last night by the Paralympic 2012 opening ceremony with a display using umbrellas (for the not so spectacular display).

Saturday, 25 August 2012

Vodou Cookies - Metaphysical Munchies

When you hear the phrase "food for the soul" do you too think of chicken soup and matzo balls? I'm not even Jewish, and yet it's there in my subconscious. It's comfort from within with a metaphysical twist. That's how you could describe this set of articles - comfort from metaphysical munchies!

The Vodou Man
& the Yummy

This time we will look at a Vudon charm fit to make the mouth and the eyes water.

Vodou originates in the 18th century, when Africans were suppressed their religious practices. It began in the Frenchised slave colony of Saint-Domingue. African slaves were forced to convert to Christianity - mainly Catholism. It's predecessor being West African Vodun (as practiced by the Fon and Ewe). Vodou also incorporates elements and symbolism from Roman Catholic Christianity and European mysticism.

Tuesday, 21 August 2012

Winter Magick

Winter Magic

The sounds of drums, calling forth winter…
The battle between the light and darkness wage its daily war in the hearts of all humans, as it has for thousands of years.


Northern Light
In the Northern hemisphere, as the dark nights draw in -and the days shorten- our hearts turn towards the winter holidays. Call them whatever you feel appropriate, they are a time to dwell on the both life and death issues - as they always have been. We see the lessening of sun-hours and the lengthening of night's dark oppression and it depresses even the most civilised of us.

Thursday, 16 August 2012

Colour Magick

Today we are going to talk about colour correspondent.

Some people may have had something similar done for them. (Ranking them as a Summer-, Autumn-, Winter- or Spring-person.) That isn’t what this is about!


Each day of the week has its own corresponding colour, planet, and even hour. Colours are of major importance in both healing and magick: Frequently used in candle magick, crystal magick, flower magick (or hedgerow witchery), food magick (or kitchen witchery), and water magick.

Colours affect how we view thing, our feelings, and our energy flows (the chakras).

For all these things, the basic concept is the same. Each colour corresponds to certain focuses and qualities. And these can be tapped by tuning into the specific colour.

If you think about what white is associated with it helps you realise its best uses. Western weddings centre around this colour. We wrap babies in it. We snuggle in the light, and shy away from the dark. It is a colour for winter. White symbolises purity, innocence, the Goddess, and light. It is associated with the moon and Mondays.

We use red for danger, anger and to represent life force (blood). It symbolises heat and is one of the colours of summer. Sexuality, passion and love all connect into red. It represents the Gods and power in general. Mars (planet and god) and Tuesdays both correlate with red.

The fruit, Oranges, and the sun are under this colour’s correspondences. So are physical and mental fertility (or creativity), the arts, joy, confidence, abundance and individuality. It’s day is Sunday (of course).

Memory, concentration, logic, and learning are all increased by yellow. It rules commerce, medicine, skill, dexterity and messages (especially from the gods). Technology and communication are handled by this colour, and so is business and careers. Wednesday and Mercury are the focus for yellows.

The earth, forests, trees, gardens, plants, herbs, and nature in general are all connected to green. It brings about harmony and peace, increases wealth, helps relationships and romance. Green is the colour of spring, money and the land, the heart and luck. Faeries and magick are also influenced by this colour. Its planet is Venus and its day is Friday.

(Hold aspects of both blue and green.) Music, dance, wisdom, experience, thoughts, feelings, compassion, and altruism all connect with turquoise. It is used to synthesise two different aspects (like home and work etc.) of life and keep them smoothly on a pace with each other. Turquoise has most effect on Thursdays or Fridays.

Protection, rules, judgement, and the sky (gods) are attached to the colour blue. It expands boundaries and possibilities, increases success and confidence, nobility, and optimism. Blue is used for prosperity, promotion, and to exploit prospects in business. When dealing with the law or officials then blue should be your colour of choice. It’s a problem-solver and encourages calm in crisis, and opens the mind’s eye. It’s the colour of winter and its day is Thursday.

(This includes lavender, indigo and violet.) Hidden knowledge, psychic ability, and spirituality are all ruled by purple. It’s the colour of the higher-self. It connects into astral travel and the aura (or astral field), and preventing nightmares. Its planet is Jupiter and its day is Friday.

Pink is the colour of emotions, and the heart’s sentiments. Relationships, friendship, affection, children and growth are all its aspects. It helps to mend emotions (through gentle sleep) and release childhood hurts/family wounds. Its planet is Venus (in her gentle mode) and the corresponding day is Friday.

Brown effects time and helps reclaims lost items. In magick, it’s used for household pets, or animals, for learning new skills and security. It connects to Mother Earth and earth spirits. It’s the colour of autumn. Its day is Saturday.

How to use colours 
By implementing the use for colours in your life you can employ that colour’s correspondences.

By using crystals of an appropriate colour to affect the auric field (which expands 3ft or a meter in all directions from your solar plexus) it is possible to implement changes – just by carrying crystals. (A rose quartz to heal the heart, for example.)

By wearing a colour, you implement the associations of that tint. (E.g. wearing white on a Monday connects you too the moon and the Goddess aspects.

By burning candles of a suitable colour (to correspond with needs), you can draw towards you whatever it is that can help in a matter. (A green candle for finances.)

In this way it is possible to take the matching properties of a colour AND MAKE IT WORK FOR YOU!

That’s the essence of colour magick. So when you reach for a sweater -or a pair of socks- consider what you need for that day and pick a colour appropriate item.

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